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A modern, service driven, accountancy and taxation practice based in Camberley, Surrey.


I have used PMA Tax Driven Solutions for my personal tax affairs since 2011. Paul provides a highly professional, efficient and reliable service with a personal touch. I would have no hesitation recommending.

TF, Camberley

I have used PMA Tax Driven Solutions since its inception. Paul has always provided me with a prompt, efficient and cost effective service, and excellent advice on the questions I have raised.

JR. Newbury


We’re different! Why? Because we know you’re different too.

With us you’re not just another number. We recognise that your accountancy and tax needs are different from Mr and Mrs Smiths’ next door, your parents, your son or daughter, your siblings, friends, colleagues, business partner and so on. It is our aim to treat you with respect, listen to what you have to say, importantly “hear” and understand what you say and then to act accordingly in your best interest.


We believe in providing you with value. This is not always easy to measure.

How do you quantify the value of trust, professional qualifications, knowledge, the fact that someone is looking out for you, dealing with your affairs appropriately and efficiently, peace of mind, resolving complex issues or just helping you with things you may not understand?

Some things you can value, though, and we hope that the rest of this website gives you some insight in to how we operate.
  To get the ball rolling your first meeting with PMA Tax Driven Solutions is, of course, free! We start to get to know you in our first consultation and you then decide if you want to take matters further. The first meeting also, and more importantly for you, enables you to get a sense of us and what we’re about.

We have been successfully trading since December 2011 and would love to talk to you if think you have a need for our services.  

We are sure we will be able to help you with your tax and accountancy needs.
Give Paul Male a call on 01276 683204.



PMA Tax Driven Solutions is the trading name of Paul Male Associates Ltd
Registered in England under company number 07774914
Registered office: 10 Grange Road, Camberley, Surrey GU15 2DH


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